That I will post the names of films that I have watched recentally. I may or may not write a review about them. That depends on what I thought of the film.
I'll try to do this when every I watch a film, and I'll try to update at least once a week.
Much love.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Update on the Fan monologue.
This is just a quick update to show where I am at with the "Talking Heads" inspired monologue. It's still in it's pre-draft stage. I haven't even completed the skeleton, yet alone added the flesh. :)
Fan can be a male or a female, young or old, fat or thin. This choice is up to the director.
Holds up ticket.
I've got my ticket to see my all time favorite band in two weeks times. The gig's in London. London! The land of hope and dreams. Or is that New York? Or Paris? Never mind.
I'm getting the band shirt. It costs £35, but it will be totally worth it. Darren says I should get the hoodie and buttons as well. Depends on how much it costs.
"Please allow me to introduce myself." Funny. Rock and roll is in my blood. My old man was the drummer in a band called Wednesday. Not very big, but the fans were loyal, almost to a point of obsessive.
Glances to the side, where it is presumed there is a photo.
My mum met my dad at a gig. There was love at first sight. She had just kicked some pervert in the balls for grabbing her bum. The funny thing was that the perv was my dads best mate, Trev.
Looks into the camera.
I'm so excited.
Fan can be a male or a female, young or old, fat or thin. This choice is up to the director.
Please allow me to introduce myself. I am a rock and roll fan. Always have been, always will be. Rolling Stones, Kinks, maybe The Beatles. Defiantly The Beatles.
Holds up ticket.
I've got my ticket to see my all time favorite band in two weeks times. The gig's in London. London! The land of hope and dreams. Or is that New York? Or Paris? Never mind.
I'm getting the band shirt. It costs £35, but it will be totally worth it. Darren says I should get the hoodie and buttons as well. Depends on how much it costs.
"Please allow me to introduce myself." Funny. Rock and roll is in my blood. My old man was the drummer in a band called Wednesday. Not very big, but the fans were loyal, almost to a point of obsessive.
Glances to the side, where it is presumed there is a photo.
My mum met my dad at a gig. There was love at first sight. She had just kicked some pervert in the balls for grabbing her bum. The funny thing was that the perv was my dads best mate, Trev.
Looks into the camera.
I'm so excited.
So, yeah, as always: if you like it, comment. If you hate it, comment. Thanks.
P.S: I'm going to be trying my best to update at least once a week. Can't make any promises, but I'll do my darned best.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Review for “Des hommes et des dieux ” - Of Gods and Men

This film is not action packed. It is not fast paced or full of sex and scandal. Instead it is slow, calm and filmed in such a beautiful manner it may reduce you to tears. The camera silently pans across the landscape, which reflects the monastic vow of silence, which presumably all of the men would have taken. Writers Xavier Beauvois and Etienne Comar daringly use minimal dialogue to emphasis this. The film could have been half an hour shorter, and a smidgen faster.
The actors playing the roles of the monks (led by Lambert Wilson and Michael Lonsdale) showed respect for each of their characters, who had clearly been researched thoroughly before filming started. The decisions that the men had to make were emotional, both for the character and the audience. The group of actors managed to portray their complex emotions with just the slightest movement. This in itself is something to be applauded, as many Hollywood films need characters to spell out their emotions.
Overall, “Of Gods and Men” is very much worth the two hours that it takes to watch from start to finish. It is inspiring to see how humble and brave humans can be, especially in times of great danger and uncertainty.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Excerpt from a script called "Lord of the Flies"
The layout looks odd. I don't know what's going on with it. :/
JACK This is for you, beast. Stay away from us, or we shall attack and kill you. Understood? Great. He thrusts the head down onto the stake and blood splats onto the boys. JACK Hunters! Back to Castle Rock. They runs, dragging the body along behind them. Flies buzz around the head as blood drips from it. The sun has set and it is dark. Simon walks up to it. SIMON Hello? Is anybody here? Jack? Hello? A spotlight on the head. LORD OF THE FLIES Welcome Simon.
SIMON Who was that? Come out. I’m not frighted. LORD OF THE FLIES I am here, Simon. Right in front of you. SIMON But. But you’re-? LORD OF THE FLIES What am I? SIMON You’re the lord of the flies. What do you want with me? Leave me alone! LORD OF THE FLIES No. You will never get away from me, Simon. You will be here forever. SIMON You’re lying! LORD OF THE FLIES Oh, I’m not. Sorry to disappoint you. I exist within all men. All you little boys on the island. You can never leave me. SIMON I feel sick. LORD OF THE FLIES Goodbye, Simon. SIMON I feel... He faints.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Inspired by his "Talking Heads".
That is to say, "Talking Heads" by Alan Bennett.
I have started work on a monologue about a person (not specified if male or female, young or old) who is going to a rock show.
It has strong influences from "Talking Heads" and when it is done and typed up (it's only at the written on a piece of paper stage) I'll upload some of it here.
That reminds me, I need to finish the finial draft of Lord of the Flies and upload some of it here.
Hmmmm. I'm lagging behind.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
It seems to me now that Fanshawe was always there.

But that was a long time ago. We grew up, went off to different places, drifted apart. None of that is very strange, I think. Our lives carry us along in ways we cannot control, and almost nothing stays with us. It dies when we do, and death is something that happens to us every day."
-New York Trilogy: The Locked Room, by Paul Auster.
I really do not enjoy reading Paul Auster's books. I feel that he is very self centred and just writes about himself. But, this extract that I am studying at the moment in class shows pure beauty. I adore this (rather long) quote and hope that what I have gained from analysing it will change my writing technique for the better.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
And now for something completely different.
Yet another long over due update. Sorry :(. School work has become more intense now I'm in my second year, so I have barely even written one line for a script. As always, I do have trillions of ideas floating around my head, but none of paper.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Still haven't got my writing organised yet! I've been doing some revision and work for college. I've also been going to the gym (haha) and listening to music. Talking of music, here is a great band called Canterbury and their new song "More Than Know".
I saw these guys live at The Joiners, which was one of the best evenings out that I have had for a long time.
I need to tidy and organise my wardrobe for the new college year as well. Fun.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
It has been too long since an update. I've been in Tanzania for the past month with my college and with my mum. That was fantastic! I also got my top-ear pieced, which I adore.
I promise that I have been working on scripts and ideas and such. I WILL put the up once they are all organised. :)
Caroline x
I forgot to add: While in Tanzania I helped to make the video to advertise the college and the trip to people. Sadly, the teacher who was in charge of filming didn't actually let me hold the camera and didn't listen to many of my ideas. Shame. Maybe I'll put the video up sometime in the future.
I promise that I have been working on scripts and ideas and such. I WILL put the up once they are all organised. :)
Caroline x
I forgot to add: While in Tanzania I helped to make the video to advertise the college and the trip to people. Sadly, the teacher who was in charge of filming didn't actually let me hold the camera and didn't listen to many of my ideas. Shame. Maybe I'll put the video up sometime in the future.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Excerpt from a short script called "The Walk Home".
This is a very basic script where the only spoken words are from the narrator. My English teacher told my to write about what I know. Therefore, I wrote about walking home from college. "TWH" is short and sweet. Maybe about 5, 6 minutes long.
People with dogs, people playing, people walking, people on
bikes, people sitting talking, people sunbathing.
Walking their yappy dogs, chucking
an old red Frisbee around, playing
a game that seems to have no rules
or winners. I wanted to join in, but I had to
get home. My parents would worry if
I wasn’t back soon.
A ball is booted over towards GIRL by a mixed group of
youngish people playing football. One of them jogs over to
GIRL, to get the ball.
Sometimes, a ball would come
heading my way. I would kick it
back, not looking at the person
running towards me. Maybe to thank
me. To smile at me. To ask me my
GIRL looks away. Not in an unkind way, just the way you
would with anybody.
I would avoid all eye contact. I
didn’t want to look like a
An old couple is sitting on a bench with their legs wrapped
in a blanket and a sandwich each. They are chatting to each
other and smiling.
Old couples sitting on a bench,
talking to each other. Do they have
children? Grandchildren? A pet?The layout is (I believe) different from how it usually it, but that's how life is. Leave a comment if you want to read more, etc, etc.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Lord of the Flies.
I am currently writing a stage play of Lord of the Flies. I've nearly finished the rough draft, and it's a total of 23 pages long. Woo!
It is a surprisingly intense piece of writing as the story is so dramatic. I've just completed the scene where Simon dies.
It's basically about a group of boys getting stranded on an island and how they survive...or not.
I'll update when I've finished the first draft.
(picture by TheGregCapullo/
Saturday, 18 June 2011
Excerpt from a short script called "Stories at Midnight".
This is a short screenplay and would be approx 10 minutes long. It is a conversation between a tramp and a drag-queen.
A Tramp sits at the bus shelter. He is dirty and his clothes are
stained with dirt and other such materials. He has two full
black bin bags at his feet and a small duffel-bag on his
lap. He is clutching the duffel-bag to his chest and appears
to be asleep.
My name is Noah L. Osborne. I am
42, even though I appear much
older. I am a tramp. A down and
out. Some would even call me a bum.
A Drag-queen quietly sits down next to the tramp. He sniffs
and pulls a tissue out of his clutch bag. He blows his nose
and drops the tissue onto the floor.
The drag-queen sighs and looks at the Tramp, who is looking
at him.
Sorry, hunny. Did I wake you?
No. I was already awake.
I’m Sugar-Snatch.
They both sit in silence. The Drag-Queen sniffs again.
Do you have a cold?
No. Not really.
Then what’s wrong?
Nothing. I’m just having a
conversation with a smelly tramp.
I’m sorry. I’ve had a rough night.
There is a twist at the end of the story, that I hope nobody would guess. :)
If you want to find out more about this script you can leave a comment and I'll get back to you ASAP.
Caroline x
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Plastic Bag
I didn't make this short film, but how I wish I had. It's fantastic.
I have never sympathised for a plastic bag before.
So, yeah, this is "Plastic Bag by Ramin Bahrani"
Caroline x
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
For my birthday/Christmas/when ever my mum is feeling generous I would like:
- A good camera with super cool recording facilities.
- Some extra cash to help pay for ink cartridges.
- More time (this one may be a bit difficult.)
Excerpt from a short script called "Craving".
This is a short screenplay and would be approx 10 minutes long. It's about a woman called Kelly who gets major chocolate cravings. Here it is.
She walks out of the kitchen.
If you are interested in the outcome of Kelly's story or if you want to see the rest of the script, you could leave a comment! If you ask nicely I might e-mail the completed version to you.
Caroline x
Kelly walks into the kitchen and goes to a cupboard with a
piece of paper stuck to it. "Chocolate". She open the
cupboard door, but there is no chocolate in the cupboard.
She stands on tiptoe and sees a small bar of chocolate at
the very back. She tries to grab it but can’t quite reach
She grabs a chair and stands on it. She grabs the chocolate
bar and leaps off the chair.
Sweet, sweet chocolate. How I have
missed your soft and luxurious
taste. How I have missed your
beautiful creaminess. How I have
missed your - for Christs sake!
As she was saying those words she opens the chocolate bar,
only to discover it was just a wrapper.
Oh, chocolate god! Stop taking the
Caroline x
My first stop-motion film.
This is called, "The Elephant." I put this together in about half an hour. I got angry at my laptop as it crashed as I was uploading the pictures >:( . But, for a first attempt, I think it's alright. I might try it again for the fun of it.
Caroline x
(Note to self: don't lean on the bed in between pictures. It make a dent in the duvet.)
Hey there.
My name's Caroline and I'm currently studying IB at college. When that is all over I want to get into the film industry as a screenwriter or director.
This blog is to just show my work, my ideas and also to show how I have (hopefully!) improved.
Anyway, I hope you like this blog.
Peace and love,
Caroline x
This blog is to just show my work, my ideas and also to show how I have (hopefully!) improved.
Anyway, I hope you like this blog.
Peace and love,
Caroline x
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